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Deborah Campbell Featured in Vegas Chamber EWC Newsletter

I'm honored to be featured in the September 2021 Executive Women's Council monthly spotlight. Here is the feature!


September Member Spotlight:

Deborah Campbell Deborah Campbell and Associates, LLC Principal and Lead Strategist

What services does your company provide?

Deborah Campbell and Associates is a strategy consulting firm based in Henderson, Nevada with local, regional, and national clients. We work with small businesses, corporations, education, government, nonprofits, and community grassroots organizations. We specialize in organizational development, including strategic planning, stakeholder engagement, focus groups and meeting facilitation, executive coaching and teambuilding, and organizational cultural competency.

I started my business in 2004 after an exciting career as a television journalist, followed by a second career in nonprofit management in leadership roles at United Way of Southern Nevada and St. Rose Dominican Health Foundation. It was time to 'pivot' and 'bundle' my professional and volunteer experiences.

When it comes to strategizing with your clients, what are a couple key areas that no business owner should ignore?

As a successful strategy consultant, I have learned that strategizing is a continual process that takes time, and often it begins long before the actual engagement. Whenever you can, do your homework yourself because your client, customer, or patient will see and feel the connection - that's authenticity and that's how you lay the foundation for trust in you and your business. Another key is to truly listen and ask questions - that's partnering to achieve results. And of course, define and agree on expectations, and deliver every time!

Why are groups like EWC important?

As business owners we often are asked to join groups to give or share something, which is what we are all about, right? But how often are we invited to join a group that can personally and professionally feed your soul and make you feel more connected to women who all share similar opportunities and challenges, no matter what type of business you are in? I feel a sense of belonging with EWC, and not the 'only' or one of the 'few' in the room, or at the table.

You promote racial and social equity as a benefit to business bottom lines; how do you know when it's working?

Well, let's say you offer the same product or service as other companies and you find that you are recruiting and retaining great staff, customer satisfaction is great, and your profit margin is stable or even growing during these challenging times. More times than not these results can be attributed to a company culture of diversity, equity and inclusion.

Can you share your favorite inspirational quote?

It's on my website - and what I remind myself everyday: "Do the best you can until you know better, then when you know better, do better". - Maya Angelou

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